Sonja Hölzl

Sonja Hölzl is a doctoral candidate at the Chair of Societal Transition and Agriculture at the University of Hohenheim and a research assistant at the Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation (Research for Practice Network). She studied political science, ecology and environmental planning as well as natural resource management in Passau and Berlin. Her previous work has focused on land use decisions, human-wildlife conflicts, sustainable institutions and a wide range of nature conservation issues. Her dissertation project focuses on farmers' knowledge of biodiversity and its role in advisory processes in the context of agri-environmental measures.



Network Research for Practice, Bavarian Academy for Nature Conservation and Landscape Management


Biodiversity Team, adelphi


M.Sc. Integrated Natural Resource Management, Humboldt University Berlin


B.Sc. Ecology and Environmental Planning, Technical University Berlin


B.A. Governance and Public Policy, University of Passau

  • Land use decisions
  • Agri-environmental schemes
  • Advisory processes
  • Motivation and behaviour
  • Grassland
  • Research-practice interface
  • Grazing

Hölzl S. (2024): Wie Entscheidungen getroffen werden und wie man das für den Naturschutz nutzen kann. Anliegen Natur 46(1): 105-116.

Hölzl S., Lehmair T.A. (2023): Rückblick: Symposium Moorschutz – Forschung und Praxis verbinden. Anliegen Natur 45(2): 5-12.

Hölzl S. (2023): Naturschutzforschung in Bayern praxisrelevant gestalten. Anliegen Natur 45(1): 105-116.

Hölzl S.E., Veskov M., Scheibner T., Le T.T., Kleinschmit B. (2021): Vulnerable socioeconomic groups are disproportionately exposed to multiple environmental burden in Berlin – implications for planning. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 13(2): 334-350.

Hölzl S., Kollmann J. (2021): Blühstreifen und –flächen für die Insektenvielfalt – ein Dialog an der Schnittstelle zwischen Forschung und Praxis. Anliegen Natur 43(2): 59-68.

Research project : Experiential knowledge of farmers: Potential for the promotion of biodiversity by farms


University of Hohenheim
Institute of Social Sciences in Agriculture
Societal Transition and Agriculture (430b)
Schloss Museumsflügel
70599 Stuttgart, Germany