Subproject “Participatory Landscape Design for Biodiversity and Multifunctionality”  [19.07.24]

Impressions of the field studies. a) yellow pan trap and landing net in a meadow orchard; b) field margin and c) forest with sound recording devices. Pictures: Marit Kasten

From March to August 2023, field surveys were carried out in the project "Participatory Landscape Design for Biodiversity and Multifunctionality". Data were collected on wild bees, birds and bats. In 14 study landscapes, 16 sites were sampled in each of the four habitats arable land, grassland, forest and orchard meadow, depending on the proportion of their area in the landscape (1 km²). Wild bees were captured using yellow traps and landing nets, while birds and bats were recorded using sound equipment. A special permit for the capture of wild bees was granted by the Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart. The aim now is to investigate the relative importance of the different habitats for the three species groups in order to gain insights for landscape management and nature conservation.

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